Acupuncture appeared in China 4,000-5,000 years ago and is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the placement and skillful manipulation of fine needles at specific points of the body (acupuncture points) in order to stimulate or balance the flow (Referred to as Qi), affecting the physical functioning of the body and its ability to self-heal.
It is therefore used not only as a therapeutic intervention but also as a means of prevention.
Acupuncture deals with a range of conditions. It treats either as exclusive treatment or as complementary, combined with applied classical medicine.
Acupuncture deals with a range of conditions. It treats either as exclusive treatment or as complementary, combined with applied classical medicine.
It also helps in internal pathology diseases such as the irritable bowel, but also in affections of emotional disturbances such as insomnia or stress, combined with classical medicine.
It helps in dealing with things as overeating, smoking and is an amazing method in trying to lose weight.